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Haydon Bridge Event Claiming Day Diary


Details are given in good faith but please check with organisers for amendments before travelling

(local Events and previous years are Here)

January 2019

Tuesday 15

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr. John Harrison  In aid of the Haydon Bridge 'Tiny Tots' and Playgroup

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book


Sunday 3
Messy Church Extra at the Methodist Chapel during term time only Contact: DEACON ANNE TAYLOR - 01434 220283 annetaylor1209@btinternet.com
Monday 4
GITS meeting at the General Havelock at 8 pm Contact Pauline Wallis 01434 684061
Thursday 14
Haydon Bridge Nature Club AGM for members only 7-15 pm Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Tuesday 19

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr. John Harrison  In aid of the RNIB Details Here

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 28

Haydon Bridge Nature Club 'Butterfly Conversation' with David Wainwright 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Members £20 

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886



Friday 7
General Havelock It's Pie and Mash night with Gary's famous pies. Book with Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock.
Wednesday 13

Messy Church at the Methodist Chapel


Contact: DEACON ANNE TAYLOR - 01434 220283 annetaylor1209@btinternet.com
Thursday 14

Haydon Bridge Nature Club 'Pine Martens' with Kevin O'Hara 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Members £20 

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Tuesday 19

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master 'Queenie'  In aid of the Breast Cancer Now

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Wednesday 20

Hadrian's Union and Banter at the Community Centre 7-30pm

£10 (Students £5)  See Here

Contact Val 01434 684735
Thursday 21
Book Group meet at the Havelock Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Tuesday 26

General Havelock Fritz Lang's 'Metropolis' 1927 A Havelock film and food night. £10 with food, £4 film only

19-00. Details are Here

Book with Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock.
Thursday 28

The 'UKTEERS' at the General Havelock

7 to 9 pm

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Thursday 28

Haydon Bridge Nature Club The Hen Harrier Project' with Cathleen Thomas 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Members £20 

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 30
Haydon Old Church HG Wells 'Things To Come' 1936 Film directed by WC Menzies. A Havelock film and food night in the old church. £10 with food, £4 film only Book with Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock.  Essential to check this link
Saturday 30
Meg and Friends at the General Havelock Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock


Monday 1
GITS meeting at the Havelock 8 pm Contact Pauline Wallis 01434 684061
Friday 5

New Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

at the Community Centre from 2-30 to


Contact:- Carole Price 07939 202930
Saturday 6

New Neighbourhood Plan Consultation

at the Community Centre from 9-30 to 12 noon

Contact:- Carole Price 07939 202930
Saturday 6
Hexham Brass concert at the Methodist Chapel 7-30pm


01434 220283 


Sunday 7

Messy Church at the Methodist Chapel

3 pm

Contact: DEACON ANNE TAYLOR - 01434 220283 annetaylor1209@btinternet.com
Friday 12
Pie Night at the General Havelock Ratcliffe Road. 7 to 9 pm £11.50 for two courses Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Saturday 13
Prize Bingo at the Haydon Bridge Social Club Contact: 01434 684383
Tuesday 16
The Stations of the Cross 7pm at St. John's RC Church North Bank H/B Contact: Father Christopher Warren c/o St. Mary’s, Hexham. Tel. 01434 603119
Thursday 18
Book Group at the Havelock 8pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Friday 19
Procession of Witness 10-45am from the war memorial to the old bridge, H/B  
Tuesday 23

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr. John Harrison  In aid of Tynedale Hospice. A St. George's Day theme

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 25

The 'UKTEERS' at the General Havelock

7 to 9 pm

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Saturday 27
Acoustics Night at the Havelock from 8 to 11pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Tuesday 30

Food and Film night at the Havelock

7-30 pm £10.00 Film is Pawel Pawlikowski's romantic epic Cold War (2018) Cert 15

89 minutes

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book



Saturday 11
The Lynch Mob Irish themed band at the Haydonian Social Club H-B Contact: 01434 684383
Sunday 12
Christian Aid service at the Methodist chapel Church St. H-B 6-00 pm Contact: DEACON ANNE TAYLOR - 01434 220283 annetaylor1209@btinternet.com
Tuesday 14

Quiz Night at the Methodist Church 7-15pm With Pie and Pea supper. Pay on the door £6

Quiz Master Dr. John Harrison  In aid of Christian Aid.

Contact: johnandaveril@aol.com
Wednesday 15
Quoits Team home match 6-30 pm General Havelock inn Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Thursday 16
Book Group at the Havelock 8pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Tuesday 21

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr. John Harrison  In aid of Northumbria Blood Bikes.

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 23
Haydon Bridge Nature Club Chipchase Gardens Nursery visit Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 25
General Havelock Music in the lounge with Meg and friends 8 pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Sunday 26
Northumberland Day 2pm until 5pm in St. Cuthbert's Church yard Contact: revbenjamincarter@gmail.com
Tuesday 28

Food and Film night at the Havelock

7-30 pm £10.00 Film is Leave no trace (£4 film only)

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Tuesday 28
Bear Hunt Craft activities for 4-12 year olds Under 8 accompanied by an adult
Booking via Eventbrite Details from The Bridge Library Church Street
Thursday 30

The 'UKTEERS' at the General Havelock

7 to 9 pm

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book



Saturday 1
The Haydon Bridge Festival Details are Here
Tuesday 4
Art Group Meeting 1 to 4pm at the Community Centre Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 8

Further into the Blue Planet

An illustrated talk from Professor Nick Owen director of the British Antarctic Survey. St. John's RC Church hall, North Bank H-B      7-30pm Donations welcomed for Church building fund. Light refreshments

Saturday 8
H/B Nature Club visit to Abbotsford House, Melrose £22 Bookings to 684994 (Averil) or 688886 (Barbara).
Saturday 8
Haydonian Club Prize bingo at the Haydonian Social Club Contact: 01434 684383
Friday 14
Pie Night at the General Havelock Ratcliffe Road. 7 to 9 pm £11.50 for two courses Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Saturday 15

The Haydon Hundred Cyclo Sportif

Details are Here
Saturday 15

Tynedale Hospice Cake Bake 9-30 to

11-00 in the Community Centre, Ratcliffe Road

Tuesday 18

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Queenie  In aid of Shaftoe Trust Primary School

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book

Details Here

Thursday 20
Book Group at the Havelock 8pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Tuesday 25

Food and Film night at the Havelock

7-30 pm £10.00 (£4 film only)

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 27 to Sunday 30
Haydon Artists' Summer Exhibition in the Community Centre Ratcliffe road Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 29
St. Cuthbert's Summer Fete Church Street 2 pm Contact: revbenjamincarter@gmail.com


Friday 5

A Summer Evening Reception & Open Garden marking 25 years of Tynedale Hospice at home.  Friday 5th July 2019

6:30 – 8:30pm

Details Here
Sunday 7

Big Church Picnic 3pm to 4-30pm

A churches together event and all are welcome  St. John's Church grounds, North Bank Haydon Bridge

Father Christopher Warren, St John’s Catholic Church

c/o St. Mary’s, Hexham. Tel. 01434 603119

Tuesday 16
Art Group Meeting 1 to 4pm at the Community Centre

Contact: Helen Brooks

01434 688347

Tuesday 16

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr John Harrison  In aid of MacMillan Cancer Trust

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 18
'Summer Lovin'' Haydon Bridge High School evening of music and drama.  Doors open 6-30pm for 7-00pm.  £3.50 Details from 01434 684422
Tuesday 23
Summer Reading Challenge Crafts Library, Church Street 2-30 to 3-30 pm Ages from 4 to 12 years (under 8 years with an adult) Booking via Eventbrite Details from The Bridge Library Church Street
Friday 26
Haydonian Club Quiz Night in aid of the Fireworks Fund Contact: 01434 684383
Tuesday 30
Art Group Meeting 1 to 4pm at the Community Centre

Contact: Helen Brooks

01434 688347


Thursday 1
Haydonian Book Group/Club @ the Haydonian Social Club and 1st of every month Contact: 01434 684383
Sunday 4

East Deanraw Garden Open Day from 2pm In aid of H-B churches.  Adults £4 inclusive of their cars, children and dogs.  Music, stalls and teas.

Tuesday 13
Summer Reading Challenge Crafts Library, Church Street 2-30 to 3-30 pm Ages from 4 to 12 years (under 8 years with an adult) Booking via Eventbrite Details from The Bridge Library Church Street
Saturday 17
Bell Family Puppet Show at the Methodist Chapel 3pm Refreshments.  A free event. Contact: DEACON ANNE TAYLOR - 01434 220283 annetaylor1209@btinternet.co
Tuesday 20

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Masters The Gits  In aid of The Gits NYE firework funding

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Friday 23

Fun, food and friends Community centre Ratcliffe Road  11am - 2pm

9-45am Keep fit

Contact: Carole Price 0793 9202930


Saturday 24

Havelock Fruit and Vegetable Show

Entries 10am - 1pm  Live music in the evening from 8-30pm

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Thursday 29

The 'UKTEERS' at the General Havelock

7 to 9 pm

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Friday 30

Fun, food and friends Community centre Ratcliffe Road  11am - 2pm

9-45am Keep fit

Contact: Carole Price 0793 9202930



Sunday 1

Messy Church at the Methodist Chapel

3 pm

Contact: Kath Armstrong- 01434 684483 Katharmstrong@yahoo.co.uk

Monday 2
GITS meeting at the Havelock 8 pm Contact Pauline Wallis 01434 684061
Friday 6
Keep Fit 10am Community Centre

Contact: Carole Price 0793 9202930


Friday 6
Lunch Club 12 noon at the Havelock Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Wednesday 11

Messy Church at the Methodist Chapel

3-30 pm

Contact: Kath Armstrong- 01434 684483 Katharmstrong@yahoo.co.uk

Thursday 12

Haydon Bridge Nature Club 'Wild Flowers of Northumberland' with John Richards 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Membership £20 pa

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 14

Haydonian Social Club annual vegetable show Entry details Here

Evening entertainment from Mike Memphis

Contact: 01434 684383



Tuesday 17

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr John Harrison  In aid of West Tyne Junior Rugby

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 26

Haydon Bridge Nature Club 'Ladybirds' with Cathleen Thompson 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Membership £20 pa

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 28
St. Cuthbert's Harvest Market Church Street 10 am Contact: revbenjamincarter@gmail.com
Saturday 28
Hats and Glad Rags Ball at Hexham Mart Details are Here


Thursday 10

Haydon Bridge Nature Club

'N. Pennines AONB -  Woods & Trees' by Ben Scotting 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Membership £20 pa


Sandy Duncan 01434 688927

Saturday 12

Sam Shields & Band Top local band

8-30pm £4:00 T the Haydonian WC

Contact: 01434 684383



Tuesday 15

Quiz Night with Pie and Peas Quiz Master Rev. John Harrison 7-15 pm Methodist Chapel Church Street.  Please inform Contact if you are going

Contact: Kath Armstrong- 01434 684483 Katharmstrong@yahoo.co.uk
Thursday 17
Havelock Book Club 8-00pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Tuesday 22

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr John Harrison  In aid of Hexham Youth Initiative

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Wednesday 23

Food and Film night at the Havelock 'Woman at War'

7-30 pm £10.00 (£4 film only)

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 24

Haydon Bridge Nature Club 'Queensland Photographs' with Kev Hylton 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Membership £20 pa


Sandy Duncan 01434 688927

Saturday 26
Meg and Friends play in the General Havelock Inn lounge 8-00pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock
Thursday 31

The 'UKTEERS' at the General Havelock

7 to 9 pm

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book


Tuesday 5
Haydon Local Artists Group meeting from 1-4pm in the Community Centre

Contact: Helen Brooks

01434 688347

Thursday 7

Haydon Bridge Nature Club 'North Pennines  AONB Peatland Programme' with Alistair Lockett 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Membership £20 pa

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Tuesday 12

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Dr John Harrison  In aid of Lifespan

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Wednesday 13

Messy Church at the Methodist Chapel

3-30 pm

Contact: Kath Armstrong- 01434 684483 Katharmstrong@yahoo.co.uk

Tuesday 19
Haydon Local Artists Group meeting from 1-4pm in the Community Centre

Contact: Helen Brooks

01434 688347

Thursday 21

Haydon Bridge Nature Club Whin Sill & Roman Wall Flora with Gill Thompson 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Membership £20 pa

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 23
Hexham Brass 7-30pm Methodist Chapel Church Street Contact: Kath Armstrong- 01434 684483 Katharmstrong@yahoo.co.uk
Tuesday 26

Film Night at the General Havelock Inn

7-30pm 'Edie' with Sheila Hancock

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Thursday 28

The 'UKTEERS' at the General Havelock

7 to 9 pm

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Saturday 30
Craft Fair Haydon Local Artists' 10am to 2pm Community Centre Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 30
Meg and Friends play in the General Havelock Inn lounge 8-00pm Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock


Sunday 1
Christmas Lights 4-00pm Meet at the south end of old bridge. Shaftoe Trust Academy and brass band.  Santa and refreshments in Church Street  
Tuesday 3
Haydon Local Artists Group meeting from 1-4pm in the Community Centre

Contact: Helen Brooks

01434 688347

Thursday 5

Haydon Bridge Nature Club 'Geopark - NW Highlands of Scotland' with David Hughes 7-15 pm in the Methodist Chapel, Church Street.

Guest fee is £4:00. Membership £20 pa

Contact: Barbara Wardle 01434 688886
Saturday 7
Christmas Fayre at the Methodist Chapel from 2pm Contact: Kath Armstrong- 01434 684483 Katharmstrong@yahoo.co.uk
Tuesday 10

Quiz Night at the General Havelock

8-15pm £1-50 pp with refreshments.  Quiz Master Queenie  In aid of Maggie's

Contact: Joanna - 01434 684376 at The Havelock to book
Saturday 14
Puppet Show 3-00 to 3-30pm in the Methodist Chapel Church Street Contact: Kath Armstrong- 01434 684483 Katharmstrong@yahoo.co.uk
Tuesday 17
Haydon Local Artists Group meeting from 1-4pm in the Community Centre

Contact: Helen Brooks

01434 688347

Sunday 22
Village CarolsHB Methodist Church 6 pm  
Tuesday 24

Crib Service at St. Cuthbert's Church 16:00

21:00 Mass at St. John's RC HB

23:30 Midnight Service St. Cuthbert's

Contact: revbenjamincarter@gmail.com
Wednesday 25

Church Services

10:00 am St Mary's RC Hexham

10:00 am Bell Family (Local Arrangements) HB Methodist Chapel

11:00 St. Cuthbert's C of E HB

Tuesday 31

Firework Display for the NY

Church St. procession and the old bridge

Contact Pauline Wallis 01434 684061

Details of contacts for these events have been published here in the event organiser's interests in line with our Privacy Policy. Should you require we include, amend or delete any information please contact us by e-mail Admin


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