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The Parish Council has long been conscious of the need to join the two parts of the village, separated by the river. It was also keen to make the residents feel part of and take an active interest in any project.
In conjunction with this, the Council aims to promote an environment which would persuade existing or new businesses to locate within the parish; as well as considering ways in which more visitors could be encouraged to explore the parish.
The old bridge is an ideal focal point to meet these objectives. Its scenic and central location was enhanced by decorating its walkway with fifteen Christmas trees illuminated with the very latest lighting techniques. The first turning-on ceremony, in 2009, was by a pupil from The Shaftoe First School, and was a great success with most of the village participating and enjoying the festivities.
In 2004-5 the Parish Council acted as an umbrella organisation for a group of local parents who wanted to create a safe place to play for their children. The site lies on land above the Shaftoe First School, with outstanding views North over the village.
With funding from the Countryside Agency and Tynedale Council the Shaftoe Doorstep Green came into being.
With a separate toddlers play area, something more challenging for older children, and seats and picnic tables for parents to relax at, there is something for everyone.
A car park located behind the First School provides access for all.
New Neighbourhood Plan under development
The Parish Council has approved the development of a new Neighbourhood Plan for Haydon Parish, which once approved by the community and the County Council will become a formal part of planning policy for our Parish in Northumberland. When the NP becomes a legal document it will be used to make decisions on planning applications, and anyone wishing to build houses in the Parish will be expected to take account of it.
The plan will cover much more than housing and will also include: design (both inside and outside the conservation area); outside green space; community buildings and services; transport (including walking and cycling); the needs of the business community; and flooding as it relates to development. The new plan will replace the 2008-18 Parish Plan (see Haydon development Trust page on this website).
The work for the plan is being led by a Steering group on behalf of the Parish Council. For further information see the Neighbourhood Plan page on this website.