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Tyne Rivers Trust

The Tyne Rivers Trust is the only independent environmental charity dedicated to managing and improving the Tyne Catchment. The Trust develops projects, raises funds and carries out improvements to the environment of the Tyne, its tributaries and surrounding land. It also raises awareness of the value of the river to people from all over the region, country and abroad by marketing fishing opportunities, carrying out research and supporting local events.

The Trust co-ordinates a growing network of River Watch Groups, one of which is the Haydon Bridge River Watch Group. Information gathered by the River Watch Groups is used to inform and support catchment management priorities, as well as threats and information on their stretch of the river.

For further information on the Haydon Bridge River Watch Group phone: 01434 688886.

For further information on the Tyne Rivers Trust go to their website www.tyneriverstrust.org

Contact Information:

T: 01434 636 900
E: info@tyneriverstrust.org

Unit 8, Shawwell Business Centre,
Stagshaw, Corbridge, Northumberland
NE45 5PE

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